Friday, November 18, 2011

What colors pants can I wear with light tan horsebit shoes?

the shoes are ferragamo horsebit light tan shoes.|||Black or dark denim.|||a deep dark denim would look gorgeous with the Ferragamo's you have. It would show off the detailing of the leather and everything!

If not deep denim, I would go all out and get a crazy colored pair of jeans, like a pretty shade of emerald green or a cool color of purple.|||Try a pair or casual looking jeans and a shirt that matches the shoes, wear gold jewelry with it. unless your going to a wedding or something like that.|||white to be very dressy

black just regularly

jeans for casual..


try them out and see what you like best =D

it depends on the occasion


hopei helped.|||Plaid|||Maybe a dark or light tan? Do whatever, you are your own dresser, you can set trends do what YOU like|||cacks...and light jeans...and probably black|||skinny dark wash jeans. or black sweats. anything dark relly|||Brown I think would look good.|||black pants would be best.|||black or normal.|||not sure bud|||black or white|||black|||go ask someone in the real world!

jk...uhhhhhhhhhhhm black. :) good luck dear

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