Friday, November 18, 2011

How to clean black leather loafers?

I have a pair of Ferragamo leather loafers, which I, unfortunately, had to walk in 3 inches of snow, due to the snowstorm in the East Coast last week. When I got home, I immediately placed shoe trees in them and placed them in the garage to air them out. After a day, I noticed white smudges all over the shoes. I tried wiping them off with a soft cloth and water, and it vanished, but came back when it dried up. Any suggestions?

(I'm hoping no one replies with "Buy new ones...")|||Yes. Use Saddle Soap. It is a soap that used to be used for cleaning leather saddles and it is nontoxic, does not harm the leather but will clean out any salt. Kiwi sells some at Wal-mart.|||My vote is saddle soap (go light on the water usage), and then polish and buff when they dry out fully.

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