Tuesday, November 22, 2011

? for Political Women. Is Hillary just to Frumpy in those Polyester Pants Suits to be respected???

Does she need a makeover?

Remember the Pickle Lady Heinz She at least wore Ferragamo's

Hillary is, dressing better than Bush's friend Angela Merkel.|||Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beautiful women look great in whatever they wear. JMO|||I liked Elizabeth Dole. We shall see :)

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|||Why wouldn't you ask the same question about Huckleberry in the GOP or Giuliani's crossdressing frumpiness? Hmm, me thinks you are a sexist for asking this question about a woman to other women. You don't think issues matter to women?|||Those polyester pants are so big in the caboose that she is singlehandedly contibuting to big oil's profits. BIG BIG oil.|||Short Bus, I try not to look too closely at her, so I haven't noticed the clothes. She used to be stylish when she was First Lady, I wonder what happened? She probably wants to be America's first Iron Lady.|||Hillary can put on a Transformers t-shirt with some raggedy sweatpants for all I care, I won't be voting for her so her clothes is a non-issue for me.|||Who cares, but I would say, she is not aging well. She could haunt a house.|||I really don't care what Hillary wears. If it makes her feel 'manlier' to wear a pants suit, that's fine by me. LOL

Theresa Heinz... I'm still sickened by her. I worked on her husband John Heinz's campaign and would imagine that when she married Kerry, that he probably flipped over in his grave.|||I think you handle represents your question well.....|||Angela Merkel is one of the worst dressed politician I know. Hillary is no better. Condi is pretty good at that. Hillary tries to hard to look like a guy. I think that is such a failure.

She should dress up more like a woman.|||Funny, how most criticism at Hillary is on her appearance not policies. I say this as a woman not a Hillary supporter.|||Give her a makeover, put her in Ferragamos but she's still a LIAR and nothing can change that!!!!!!!

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