Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Which dress would match these shoes?

i have shoes very similar to the ones at this link


which dress do you think looks better( this is for semi formal dance)




help is much appreciated|||This one: http://www.forevernew.com.au/Luella-Flounce-Dress.aspx?p12450%26amp;cr=045901

only because I think this dress is cuter.|||the first one(:|||i like #2 better but i think the shoes would go better with #1|||this is a very hard decision to make. both dresses look absolutely beautiful.

i would have to pick the first dress. i hope i helped and have fun at the dance! %26lt;3|||http://www.forevernew.com.au/Luella-Flounce-Dress.aspx?p12450%26amp;cr=045901

FOR SURE! the light floral back grounded beige combined makes for a light elegant yet hot, sexy and calm look in to blend with the shoes.|||Both would look good but I'd say the second dress. The white florals will contrast nicely. The purple one's material also has a similar sheen to the shoes material and it's best not to double up on shiny fabrics. The white floral dress could probably be worn out more afterwards dressed down or more casually so it's better use of your money. Good luck and hope I helped :)|||Love that you start with the shoes to make the outfit lol. I Like the floral (Luella Flounce Dress) one better. "Grandma" Patterns are so in style right now.|||I think skinny jeans and top.|||I think 1st one.|||well if i were you, would choose the first one , i think it will look better

Selling shoes?

im selling some rare ferragamo mens shoes on ebay.

my ant said that they can sell for $300. there used so what shouuld i sell them for. they are leather w/ silver buckles. they dont fit me so wut price?|||Do some searching in ebay for similar shoes to see what they are selling for. You can put them on ebay for a buy now or $300 or best offer. The best offer need not be accepted.|||start the bidiing at a buck peopel are more likey to get intoa bidding war if it starts chheper

Are these the same shoes (Pics included)?

Are these the same shoes (for guys)? Be honest.

This one:


And this one:

http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/salvatore-ferragamo-lanier-oxford/3050719?origin=category%26amp;resultback=171|||mmm, looks like it :S

can someone answer mine? if you want to? :)

http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Au1p6dxI7AQ55cgwbCQYPCggBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110118073734AAq41gG|||I'm pretty sure that they are the same shoes :)|||daaaaaaah yah they r :)

I need fashion vocabulary help :s?

"He began to fashion shoes for the wealthiest and most powerful women of the century" - Salvatore Ferragamo's History

What does fashion in this sentence mean? I'm not very good at english :s|||It means that he was making shoes (like the work of a designer) for these important women.

From Dictionary.com:

fashion鈥搗erb (used with object)

8. to give a particular shape or form to; make: The cavemen fashioned tools from stones.|||He began to make or design shoes for the wealthy women.|||Make or style it for the wealthy.

Ladies..which designer lable do you prefer, out of these below?

ferragamo, chanel, louis vuitton,prada,D%26amp;G,or my favorite, gucci???? and why?|||If u meant label , then I think out off all this , I love the soft woollen clothing that was stiched by my granny herself on my 7th birthday. I still have it and cherish it a lot. I loved my granny and she's no more. I'm happy I shared this story. she's the best designer.|||none im poor|||asda works for me.|||how shallow are you|||Chanel... classic and beautiful|||I prefer Chanel clothes for their timeless elegance . Love their perfume also.|||D%26amp;G--because it is stylish and does not look ridiculous. How many times do you look at something on the runway and say, "wow, why, when and how would you ever wear that"

Also, your question is too vague and unfair. I mean, doesn't it depend on what your shopping for? Wouldn't you want to buy purses and such from Gucci and perfume and make-up from Chanel? Maybe you should be specific.

As for others, some people just find things like this interesting or important. Its kind of sad that you have to write a response to tell someone that they are "shallow" when you aren't curing cancer either.|||Chanel. Especially the spring and summer collection this year. Karl Lagerfeld's designs were amazing, a bit futuristic, but still classic.

Which ladies perfume should i get for myself? I don't have an idea of their scents.?

Here is the list:

- Hugo Boss Deep

- Eternity Summer

- Kenzo Leau Par

-Kenzo Flower

-Salvatorre Ferragamo Dream

-Salvatorre Ferragamo Charms

-Gucci Envy Me|||I can't tell you what one to get, they are all very nice. But make sure you try them on first. Scents react to each person differently. They may smell good in the bottle or on another person, but your chemical makeup is different and does not smell the same on you.|||i think u should get gucci envy me it GOOD|||Isn't Hugo Boss for men? Well the only one I would suggest is Gucci.|||you should get that new perfume called HOT or COOL i think its by ralph lauren there not too expensive and it smells great

or the best one which i think is the best is one by juicy contoure

http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2931271/0~23鈥?/a>|||JUST smell it !!|||to be honest i never used such brands but i will go with gucci envy me be it sounds like its for girls with style and attitude

Plzzzz help! Is it an appropriate gift for my b/f's mom?Will she hate me?

I will spent Christmas with my boyfriend and his parents. Since right now I am working in China and here they sell all kinds of fake bag--Fendi,LV,Ferragamo,Coach... And they look so nice that it's so hard to tell! Is it appropriate to give my boyfriend's mom a fake designer hand bag as Christmas gift? That will be the first time I meet them. What do you think?|||don't worry about the appropriate gift or not!! your mum b/f will hate you whatever you buy for her. it is nature!

just be yourself and if you think it is nice, then get it for her. whenever i buy a gift for someone, i think if i like it or not. if its something that i would wear, then yes i'll get it.|||Sorry, but no. If you give her a fake, not a real, and she knows/can tell it's a fake it will be saying, "sorry, but you're not worth a real designer purse."|||No. Faux makes foe.|||Its appropriate till you are not making an impression that it is original, or for that matter you are not making an effort to clear the immpression of an original.|||I see no problem with it. If she realizes the difference, she'll probably think you weren't able to afford the real thing and she'll appreciate the effort of finding something similar.|||I think it is fine to give her a fake one They look just as nice without the ugly cost. As long as she likes hand bags I say do it. Besides, it's always the thought that counts and clearly you have put a lot of thought into it.|||It's not about the gift. People should like you how you are and not depending on the gifts you give them. it's the thought that counts. Don't worry, a nice mom would love it. Oh yeah and make sure you know what she likes and uses because what if she doesn't wear bags.|||Giving her a knock off bag might give her a poor first impression of you. You don't want to have her connecting you with a fake. Try giving her something that is unique to China. An attractive, but not too expensive plate or vase perhaps.|||Yes! I think she'll love it. Just give it a good look over, because there are good copies and bad copies.

Good Luck!|||I dont see any thing wrong with it|||No. You shoudn't get her a imitation. It will not seem too sincere. If you get her something you can afford and you are sincere about it, I think she will feel your sincerity and not mind so much about the price of the item.|||no not for the first time go with something genuine like a nice scent or scarf send the bag to me i need one!